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Aborigine Ogboni Tradition

Ifa, an African Traditional Spirituality is an infinite body of divine message sent to the Earth by Olodumare through all the Irunmole ( spirits ) for the benefit of mankind.


Ifa puts it clearly that the Orisa that first introduced Ogboni Fraternity is called Edan. Other names commonly used for Edan include: Onile, Iya Aye, Ajibola, Abeni, Laani, Ogboduora, Olomo.


Onile is known to many Mother Earth, and she is known as the one who sends all of our prayers to Olodumare among many other majesty duties. 


Through our worship of Onile and the Orisa through Aborigine Ogboni's lineage of Ifa, we watch our members and their families heal through good-doing, prayer, worship and contemplation of Onile's message over our lives as an individual. 


There is much to be said about Ogboni Tradition however, knowledge of our secrets is only available to initiates. 


If you have reflected and are interested in initiation please contact us at


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